In light of a number of recent posts about dog bites, Petawawa Pets is collecting information on how animal-related incidents are treated on base. This information can be provided anonymously (only an email required for a copy of the results) or you can include your contact information.
IMPORTANT: this form is not a substitute for contacting the MPs. It is critical that all aggressive incidents are reported immediately, so a paperwork trail exists.
For a list of steps to take and contact numbers, visit
If you have previously reported the described incident CFHA / MPs / etc and have not received satisfactory results, you have the option of submitting a complaint to the Canadian Forces Ombudsman. A copy of this form will be sent to you in PDF format once you click on submit and a link to where the complaint can be filed will be provided.
**All sections in this form are optional - you can complete this with as much or as little information as you are comfortable sharing.**
If a pattern emerges it is easier to bring this up and have it resolved for the benefit of the community. Thank you for your participation.