By taking the 2020 Beef and Meat Free Environmental Impact pledge you will:
1.) Reduce your individual carbon footprint by up to 73%
2.) Engage in effective altruism collectively to help mitigate climate change
3.) Are helping to protect the world’s forests
4.) Address climate emergency more quicker than other long term solutions and plans
5.) Reduce your greenhouse gas footprint which is 100 times less when substituting and consuming plant based foods compared to animal products
6.) Reduce the amount of farmland used to produce raise livestock
7.) Reduce the amount of land needed to grow feed for livestock (currently 33% is used, according to the UN)
8.) Reduce the amount of land used to produce meat and animal products (currently 1/3 of land on earth is being used for this)
9.) Reduce tropical deforestation emissions
10.) Help to maintain a safe climate and sustainable planet for future generations (OVERALL GOAL OF BAMFEI)
11.) Help the U.S. meet 2020 greenhouse emissions goals created under the Obama administration
12.) Help your governmental efforts in reducing greenhouse gas emissions goals, if any (If living in another country
13.) Reap the well documented and researched health benefits of a plant based meat free diet
14.) Feel more empowered knowing that you are individually and collectively taking a forward step in resolving environmental issues plaguing the planet
15.) Be a partaker in the most powerful change an individual can do next to green actions such as turning off lights or water conservation
All pledges will receive a BEEF FREE or MEAT FREE digital token and a brief informational focused on the meat free path.
Funds from pledges received will go towards the creation of the 2020 Beef and Meat free Environmental Impact (BAMFEI) exchange where the community will be provided with effective tools to help aid in maintaining their pledge.
It is a desire to create a worldwide domino effect as people make their pledge so be sure to share this pledge form with your friends and associates.
BAMFEI is an initiative of non profit tax exempt membership organization, G.L.O. (Green Lifestyle Organziation). To learn more, please visit