Local Resolution Guidelines
The Bernalillo County Resolutions Committee is committed to a fair and consistent process toward how resolutions are accepted.
Upon receipt of a resolution, the committee will discuss the merits of the resolution to evaluate:
- whether it aligns with the core values of the Democratic party;
- whether it addresses the needs of the people of Bernalillo County and is not inconsistent with the NM State Platform approved March, 2018;
- whether the writing style is clear and specific;
- whether it includes sources for each “WHEREAS” statement.
NOTE: Citing sources improves the quality and our understanding of your resolution. Resolutions are stronger when the result is specific, focused, and/or achievable. For example: "retrain police in de-escalation techniques" vs. "reform the police.”
- If the recommendation DOES NOT meet these guidelines, it is returned to the author with feedback. After receiving feedback, you may revise and resubmit it to the county Resolutions Committee.
- If the recommendation DOES meet these guidelines, it is submitted to the DPBC Resolutions Committee to be voted upon. Recommendations with similar spirit and intent will be bundled, and the number of similar submissions will be noted.
- Each resolution must be submitted on a separate form, so that they can be voted upon individually.