Pathfinders Preschool Application
School Year
Days of the Week Applying for
Today's Date
Child's Name
Child's Date of Birth
Parent/Guardian 1 Name
Parent/Guardian 2 Name
Home Address
Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
Referred By
What do you wish your child to gain from being in a Nature Preschool?
How often does your child spend in free play in a natural setting (i.e. sand box,forest, meadows, creeks, non manicured environment?)
How would you describe your connection to nature?
Are you comfortable with your child getting muddy and dirty? (Please note, yourchild WILL get dirty and your response to this is important to whether they feel ok with being involved in the play that happens at Pathfinders.)
What are your thoughts about allowing your child to be in the world of imaginationand story?
What concerns might you have about nature or an outdoor classrom?
What is pleasurable and easy for you with regard to your child’s personality?
What is challenging for you with regard to your child's personality?
Are there any siblings and, if so, what are their ages?
How do you and/or your family deal with conflict and discipline?
Does your child still wear diapers? Pathfinders requires that all students are out of diapers while in the program.
Does your child have a hard time separating from you, and is this a concern for you?
What is your TV, videos and computer philosophy and how much TV and/or videos does your child watch? What kind of shows or movies does he/she watch?
Do you and your child listen to children's song and/or stories, and if you do what kind do you listen to?
Does your child see, or have they seen, a therapist, of any kind (i.e. physical, emotional, occupational, etc.)? If so, what were the reasons for this and how does this affect your child at the current time?
Does and/or will your child be attending another preschool along with their attendance at Pathfinders? If so, which one, and what are the gifts that you want your child to receive from this other school?
Does your child have any known allergies? If yes, what are they.
Is there anything else you would like to share about your child?
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