Below are the areas and general expectations of Board Members of HSNWIA.
- Governance: Must actively participate in discussions including strategic planning, policy making, financial integrity, loyalty, and confidentiality.
- Advocacy: Must express their views on philanthropy and/or Animal Welfare as opportunities present themselves and understand HSNWIA’s need for charitable gifts and encourage Shelter support through a positive, informed attitude.
- Recruitment: Access to private, corporate, or grant-making affluence and willingness to tactfully utilize that access. Also, the ability to recognize these attributes in other potential Board members.
- Charitable Giving: Should express their commitment to HSNWIA through whatever type of gift they feel is right for them (if they own a business, can be a gift through their business. Otherwise it must be given personally, not through their place of business).
- Solicitation: Can be performed through a fundraising committee. There will be times when a potential donor would best respond to the individual Board Member’s request, so their participation is vital.
- Committee Work: Must actively serve on committees as necessary.