Pilot Point Council 2045 Annual Dues
We now offer the option of paying dues online. We’ve joined with PayPal to provide online payments for all our members. Use the form below to pay your dues. Please contact John Dechaud if you have any questions or need an invoice. Dues invoices will be mailed in mid-December.
If you prefer, you can still mail in a check. Make your check payable to Pilot Point CO 2045.
Send payment to Financial Secretary:
John DeChaud
1265 Texas Longhorn Trl
Gunter, TX 75058-3501
NOTE: paying dues online includes a handling fee of $3 per transaction.
Dues schedule is:
Regular Members: $63. Dues ($60) + Handling Fee ($3)
Honorary Members $13 Dues ($10) + Handling Fee ($3)
Honorary Life, Deployed Military, Priests, Deacons, and Seminarian: No dues