Our goal is to truly protect and educate you and your family!
Policy Review Form
Please complete this form as accurately as possible. Your information will not be shared without your consent and only given to Hallie Shaw for review. Call Hallie Shaw if you need assistance. (512) 576-1754
Preferred method and time to contact you:
Phone Call, Text Message or Virtually by Email
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
Date of Birth
Height and Weight
What Company do you have your policy through?
What type of policy is this?
Whole, Term (how many years), Universal, IUL, Annuity, etc.
What is this policy meant go protect?
Mortgage, Income Replacement, Survivor Benefits, Key Person, etc.
Do you know how insurance policies work?
What is the monthly premium for this policy?
What monthly expenses will your loved ones have to pay if you pass away?
List all medications, hospitalizations, and surgeries. Please include everything you have ever been prescribed because it will show up on your prescription history whether you took it or not. You can call your doctor or pharmacist to get a list and send this to us later if need be, but please fill this out as accurately as possible.
Fill this out if you would like a quote comparison
You may also upload pictures your policy or lists of medications and your medical history here if preferred.
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