English (US)
DTS Application
Personal Information
What is your last name?
What is your first name?
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Select your DTS
Please Select
One Year DTS
Life Around the Table DTS
One Thing DTS
Justice Acts France DTS
Compassion DTS
What year does the school you are applying for start?
Please Select
Select a photo of yourself
Today's Date
What is your phone number? (with country code)
What is your email address?
When were you born?
What is your gender?
What is your relationship status?
In a relationship
If married, what is the name of your spouse?
Please list the names and ages of any children you will be bringing with you
What is your current mailing address?
field. Please add appropriate
fields and text.
Emergency Contact Info
Who should we contact in case of an emergency? (Last name, First name)
What is the phone number of your emergency contact? (with country code)
What is the email address of your emergency contact?
What is your emergency contact's relationship to you?
Medical Insurance
During your stay in France, it is essential that you have medical insurance coverage. Check with your local Social Service Department (or Medical Insurance Company) whether you are entitled to medical social security insurance during a stay abroad. Or if you have a private medical insurance make sure that this will cover you while you are abroad. There might also be the possibility to take out a travel insurance for 6 months with your plane ticket. You must bring a certified copy of your medical insurance certificate with you.
What is your insurance company's name?
What is their contact phone number? (with country code)
What is your policy number?
What type of policy is it?
Please give us a brief description of your policy coverage.
Passport Information
What country is your passport from?
What is your passport number?
On what date does it expire? (dd/mm/yyyy)
What is the highest level of education that you have completed?
What type of degree do you have, if you have one?
Any other areas of study?
What languages do you speak?
What is your current occupation?
What are your occupational skills and how many years of experience do you have in each?
Do you have any musical, construction, artistic, practical, or other skills you would like to tell us about?
Church Information
What is the name of your home church?
What is your home pastor's name?
What is your church's denomination?
What is your church's phone number? (with country code)
How long have you been a "born again" Christian?
Financial Information
Do you have the total school fees? If no, please specify the amount or percentage that you do currently have.
From what source or sources will you receive the remainder?
Do you have any debts? If so, please explain.
Personal History
Briefly describe your conversion experience.
Describe your present relationship with the Lord?
Describe other significant spiritual experiences you have had in your walk with the Lord (positive/negative).
How would you describe your relationship with your family? Include how they feel about your plans to do a DTS.
Describe your relationship with your local church. Include areas of service and leadership.
What does your pastor or spiritual leader think about you wanting to attend a YWAM school?
Have you had any missions experience? If so, where and what type(s) of ministry were you involved in?
Describe your long-term goals.
What are your reasons for wanting to participate in this school and what are your hopes and expectations?
What areas of your character are you presently seeking God to further develop and improve?
Have you struggled in any of the following areas in the past?
Sexual Immorality
Occultism or Sects
Mental Illness
Eating Disorders
Been a victim of sexual abuse
None of the above
What is your current situation regarding the above mentioned areas?
Have you ever been convicted of a felony? If so, please explain.
Is there anything else that you would like to tell us about yourself or your circumstances?
How did you hear about the YWAM Bridges of Life? Why do you want to attend this program?
Have you applied for this school at any other YWAM centers? If so, when and where?
Do you have any questions?
Health Information
Have you ever had any of the following conditions?
Skin Condition
Eye Trouble
Ear Trouble
Recurrent Headache
Fainting Spells
Hay Fever/Asthma
Heart Trouble
High Blood Pressure
Low Blood Pressure
Dislocation of Joints
Back Problems
Head Injury
Tumor/Cancer (specify below)
Venereal Disease
Contagious Disease
Kidney Disease
Gall Bladder Problems
Intestinal Troubles
Shortness of Breath
Stomach/Duodenal Ulcer
Allergy Penicillin
Allergy Sulfonamides
Allergy Serum
Allergy Other (specify below)
Allergy Food (specify below)
Surgery Appendectomy
Surgery Tonsillectomy
Surgery Hernia Repair
Surgery Broken Bones
Surgery Other (specify below)
Anxiety Disorder
Mental Health Issues
Learning Disorder
Other Mental/Nervous Problems
(F) Irregular Periods
(F) Severe Cramps
(F) Hysterectomy
(F) Pregnant
Please specify any allergies that you have.
If you have allergies, please indicate on a scale of 1 to 10 how intense each one is. (1 being mild, 10 risk of death)
If you have allergies, what specific measures do you need to take to remain well?
Are there any other conditions you would like to mention or that you need to specify?
Do you have any special needs? (if yes, please specify)
Are you under doctor’s care for any condition? (if yes, please specify)
Do you have any physical handicaps or health conditions which require special attention? (if yes, please specify)
Do you have a history of receiving counseling or psychiatric treatment? (if yes, please specify)
What is your height in centimeters?
What is your weight in kilograms?
What is your blood type?
How would you rate your health condition?
Have you ever had any of the following communicable diseases.
Measles (Rubella)
Measles (Rubeola)
Scarlet Fever
Required Vaccinations
We would like to know if you have had the following vaccinations. The vaccinations in Section I are mandatory prior to entering your school program. Make sure that the vaccinations are up-to-date. Please provide only the month and year of your vaccination. (Mmm/yyyy)
MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella)
Hepatitis A (series of 2)
Any comments or anything else you would like to mention?
Additional Vaccinations
The following vaccinations are not essential for all outreaches, but beneficial for certain ones. It is helpful for us to have information regarding your vaccination history. Please provide only the month and year of your vaccination. (Mmm/yyyy) If you don’t have this shot, answer N/A.
Hepatitis B (Series 3 shots)
Yellow Fever
Any other vaccinations or comments you would like to mention?
Almost done! We need 2 reference forms to be filled out in order for your application to be processed. The reference forms are confidential and will not be shown to you. When you submit this application we will automatically send an email to your references on your behalf.
First Reference
Christian friend, employer, teacher (not a family member)
What is your first reference's first name?
What is your first reference's last name?
Reference Name
First Name
Last Name
What is your first reference's relationship to you?
What is your first reference's email address?
Second Reference
Pastor or spiritual leader
What is your second reference's first name?
What is your second reference's last name?
Second Reference Name
First Name
Last Name
What is your second reference's relationship to you?
What is your second reference's email address?
Agreement and Release of Liability
Last thing!Please take some time to read through the following details which include our financial and personal conduct policies and other important releases. Without your consent, we cannot process your application
General Information
Tuition fees cover costs of transportation, speaker honorariums, meals and housing during the lecture and outreach phase. Tuition does not include personal expenses (i.e. toothpaste, laundry, personal effects, etc.). The use of the laundry machine is €3 per load (includes detergent). If you are applying for a DTS, you must participate in the 3 month outreach phase following the twelve-week DTS lecture phase in France, in order to graduate. There are often multiple options available for the outreach phase, ranging between €1,500 and €3,000 in price. This will cover the costs for visas, airfare, ground travel, ministry tools and food & housing. Training and mission work in Youth With A Mission is considered to be a faith venture. It is common for our students to raise personal support for missions trips and training.
Payment of Fees
Registration fee: The required fee is nonrefundable and is to accompany your application. This fee registers your credits with the University of the Nations. Registration Fee is €70 per person. Tuition fee: Your complete tuition fee is due upon arrival. Any exceptions to this must be approved by the School Director prior to your arrival. Tuition for the Discipleship Training School is not tax-deductible. Outreach fee: 50% of your outreach fees are due during the 3rd week of your lecture phase. The remainder is due during the 6th week of your lecture phase. Fund raising is handled on your own, for example through a church. We can’t receive support for students.
Methods of Payment
You may pay the fees in any of the following ways (payments must be made in euro’s): 1. Paypal. Go to and log in (if you don’t have an account, you can easily sign up) Click on Send Money or Transfer Money. Our account email address is 2. Direct bank transfer (especially for Europeans). Email us for our French bank information (RIB). 3. Cheque (in euros) made out to: JEM Ponts de Vie. Mailed to us separately.
Policy Regarding Early Termination or Withdrawal
It is expected that when students enroll, they will continue through the entire course. However, in cases of termination or withdrawal from the program due to an emergency or for disciplinary reasons, any refund of tuition will be at the discretion of the Director of Schools on the following basis: - During the first week: 90% refund - During the second week: 60% refund - During the third week: 40% refund - During the fourth week: 20% refund - After the fourth week: 0% refund
Release of Liability
I do hereby release Youth With A Mission, its agents employees and volunteer assistants from any liability whatsoever arising out of any injury, damage or loss which may be sustained by said person during the course of involvement with Youth With A Mission.Although it is most unlikely that anyone would pass away during their time of participation in YWAM activities, existing laws regarding burial make it necessary to consider this possibility prior to travel a broad. In many countries in which YWAM works, burial must take place within 24 hours of death, making it impossible to make arrangements for returning the body to the home country, and burial therefore taking place in the region. In those instances in which arrangements to repatriate the body can be made it is invariably very expensive, some countries requiring that a person accompany the deceased. For this reason, we cannot guarantee repatriation, and would ask you to consider the following: In the event of my death, I give my permission to be buried in the country of my death unless my family wishes to repatriate the body at their own expense. If, on the contrary, I desire to bear this expense myself, I agree to take an insurance covering this eventuality.
Acknowledgment of Financial Responsibility
I have read the financial policy. I understand that payment of the required fees must be made in Euro’s prior to, or upon my arrival, or according to schedule, unless otherwise approved by the School Director before the program’s commencement. Furthermore, I agree to meet in a timely manner, prior to the completion of the program, all personal expenses incurred during my involvement with Youth With A Mission Bridges of Life, including financial responsibility for negligent loss or damage of property. I also understand the penalties for early termination or withdrawal.
Consent for Treatment
In case of emergency, I hereby agree to the performance of such treatment, including anesthesia and surgery, as the attending doctor or physician may deem necessary. I also accept full responsibility for expenses related to medical care.I hereby release Youth With A Mission, its agents, employees and volunteer assistants from any liability whatsoever arising out of any injury, damage, or loss which may be sustained by said person during the course of involvement with Youth With A Mission. I agree to resolve any and all disputes with Youth With A Mission, YWAM Directors, or staff by means of reconciliation or mediation and waive any right to pursue action by way of litigation.
Student Expectations and Policies
The following is a list of what we expect of you, as students, during your time here in the lecture phase or on outreach. 1. All members of our community seek to honor God and each other in our thoughts, words and actions. 2. We require full participation in classes, class work, work duties, worship, intercession times, and weekly outreaches. Leaves of absence need to be approved by your school leader. 3. The use of tobacco, drugs and alcohol is prohibited during the school. 4. Because we want you to view this school as a time set apart for you and the Lord, we request that you keep all male/ female relationships at a friendship level during the school (except in case of an already existing relationship) 5. We expect you to be responsible with your financial commitments. 6. You are responsible for keeping your personal living space neat and clean. Beds must be made daily and all personal items put away. 7. You will be scheduled for a daily 2-hour slot for work duties, to participate as a serving member of the community. Duties may include cooking, housekeeping, hospitality, maintenance, meal clean-up, etc. 8. We ask that you dress modestly, to honor each other.
Final Acknowledgment
I certify that all information in this application are complete and accurate. I have also read the policies and if accepted by Youth With A Mission, I will abide by the spirit, rules, and schedule of the program. I understand that the Confidential References in my file are YWAM property, and I relinquish the right to view them or obtain information from them in any way.
By typing my name, I am providing my electronic signature.
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