The Peace of Mind Cat Guardian Program was created to allow cat lovers to designate FieldHaven Feline Center as temporary caregiver for cat(s) who outlive their humans. These cats arrive at FieldHaven as special guests and are treated with loving kindness.
Follow these simple steps to enroll in the Peace of Mind Cat Guardian Program.
1) Add to your will or estate planning documents that you are entrusting your cat/s to FieldHaven’s Peace of Mind Cat Guardian Program by making the appropriate minimum donation.
Minimum Bequest Donation Amount:
Cats under three years of age: $5,000 per cat
Cats from three to six years of age: $8,000 per cat
Cats over six years of age: $10,000 per cat
2) Name FieldHaven Feline Center as a beneficiary of your estate with the applicable minimum amount and provide a copy of the document to FieldHaven. Sample language:
“I give to FieldHaven Feline Center, a 501(c)3 non-profit, California corporation, currently located at 2754 Ironwood Lane, Lincoln, CA 95648, the sum of _____ dollars or _____% of my estate. This gift is unrestricted.”
3) Complete the detailed Cat Questionnaire for each cat. Update this document and provide it to FieldHaven when a cat passes or a new cat is brought into your home.
4) Inform your executor, family members, friends, and neighbors that you have enrolled in FieldHaven’s Peace of Mind Cat Guardian Program and instruct them to contact FieldHaven when the time comes.