Expense Breakdown (FMC, AUIF, FAC)
The infromation in this section allows AUS to allocate the amount(s) requested to the correct budget lines and properly allocate the expenses in our internal records. Likewise, it allows AUS to track which funding grants have been claimed.
The infromation requested in this section can be obtained from the budget you /your organization (depamentental association, affiliate, campus group or club) submitted with your application and the email notifying you that your application was approved.
Your FAN can be found in the email notifying you that you've received funding. The GLAs you're approved to use are also outlined in that email.
Please use a separate line for each transaction that is classified under different General Ledger Account categories in your budget. The information included here should match your approved budegt exactly. For example, if an expense is being purchased from the budget line, "9850 - Food" please ensure you classify the expense here under the same GLA as the one in the approved budget. Likewise, if items approved under multiple GLAs are purchased in a single transaction, please seperate them here. For example, if you purchased food, wine, clothing and utensils in the same location, please seperate them here according to the appropriate GLA. Similarly, if items approved under multiple GLAs are purchased in a multiple transaction (and all are mixed), please take care to seperate them appropriately. If the GLA the expense is approved under is not included in the list of GLA options, please select the "GLA not listed" option and write the correct GLA in the notes.
In "Class" please put your the name of the fund (FMC Supplementary, FMC Special Projects, FMC Journal, FMC Ethical Procurement and Sustainaility, AUIF or FAC) from which you were granted funding.
Please be attach copies of proof of purchase to support all expenditures. No payment can be issued without comprihensive proof of purchase. Documents serving as "proof of purchase" must be clearly legible, itemized and in PDF, PNG, or JPG format, either by scan or by HD photograph. PDF is prefered. Retain the receipts until you have received your payment.
Instructions for this section here.