NOTE: All your results and gifting role descriptions will be emailed to you after you hit "submit" at the end of the test. You can find the descriptions in a document attached to your email.
ABOUT THE TERMS "PROPHET, PRIEST AND KING": These are simply historic, categorical terms in which to bring clarity to your overall spiritual gift mix. All of the spiritual gifts can fit under one of these three categories.
Jesus Christ is the ultimate prophet, priest and king in that He perfectly possesses all the spiritual gifts as they function under these three roles.
The Church is the Body of Christ and is supposed to represent His prophetic, priestly and kingly functions to the world. To do this, the Holy Spirit distributes the gifts throughout the Church so that every believer receives at least one of them.
Therefore, the gift(s) you possess will place you in one or more of the three categories of prophet, priest or king.*
*Note: In your results, it is possible to end up with spiritual gifts from only one of the three categories, but still have a blend of the priest, prophet and/or king roles. This is due to having a moderate level score for spiritual gifts in other categories, but not high enough to register in your results. For example, you may end up with the spiritual gift of Helps and Service (a Priestly gift), but have a spiritual gift role of a blend of Priest, Prophet and King. This means you had a high score on Helps and Service, but also had enough moderate level scores on other spiritual gifts in the categories of Prophet and King.
Knowing in which category(s) you are most gifted will help you discover how best to function in the Church.
PRIEST: A "priestly" type will be most effective and fulfilled in supportive, caring roles to build up the Church.
PROPHET: A "prophetic" type will be most effective and fulfilled in teaching and communicating roles to build up the Church.
KING: A "kingly" type will be most effective and fulfilled in guidance and oversight roles to build up the Church.