Unlike individual lectures, which are supported from a separate fund, forums are major campus events which complement the College’s curricular program. These events are designed to cohere around a central theme that is also reflected and enhanced through interdisciplinary courses offered on campus. Forum funds have been used for the Living Writers series, the Presidential Election series, the Theory and Art of Magic series, Asia in Diaspora: West Meets East series, the Legacy of 1989: Twenty Years in the Post-Communist World series, and the Freedom, Personhood and Justice series. For the 2024-2025 academic year, forum monies total approximately $8,000.00.
Proposals for the 2024-2025 (academic year) forum monies are due on Wednesday, February 28, 2024.
Before submitting a proposal, please discuss your ideas with members of the Lectures & Forum Committee (Kammie Takahashi, PhD Associate Dean of Academic Life and Associate Professor of Religion Studies, Todd Lineburger, VP of Communications & Marketing, Kathleen Bachynski, Public Health, Michael Buozis, Media & Communication and Mirna Trauger PhD, Languages, Literatures & Cultures)
Proposals should address the following:
- Proposed speakers and/or event(s). Please provide background information and anticipated dates for event(s).
- Purpose and theme of speaker and/or event(s). Please discuss the educational significance and/or timeliness of the event to the College.
- Anticipated audience. Please list which departments, courses and or student groups will be involved.
- National and regional significance. Please address to what extent the speaker and/or event will bring national or regional attention to Muhlenberg.
- Estimated budget. List other anticipated sources of income.
Forum events should follow the following timeline:
- In cooperation with the Public Relations office, begin contacting major presenters.
- Develop a schedule of events.
- If appropriate, identify additional funding sources and begin the grant writing process.
Please note: The Public Relations office will provide sponsors with an “Events Management Checklist.”
- Contracts with speakers in final stages of negotiations. The Public Relations office and the Dean of Academic Life signs final contracts.
- Register events on campus calendar.
- Sponsor send calendar of events to Public Relations office.
- Sponsor works with Public Relations office on publicity.