The abstract submitted below should outline the issues or questions investigated, essential findings, and main conclusions of the presentation.
For practice and policy presentations, use Issues, Positions or Findings, and Conclusions as headings.
For research presentations use Background, Specific Aims, Method, Findings, and Discussion as headings.
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Issues: Community-located options for long-term care of adults with intellectual disability (ID) affected by dementia are limited generally to either supporting in-home care by family caregivers or group care organized by local provider agencies.
Positions or Findings: One model in prevalent use by ID agencies is the use of small group homes that are adapted for dementia-related supports. Components of the model include enhanced staffing, specialized environmental designs, controls for wandering and special safety features, integrated programming, and medical surveillance. The authors undertook a study of 5 such homes (located in one Northwestern state) to examine the match between the model’s components and actual applications.
Conclusions: The study showed that for the most part there was consistence between the model components and the applications in terms of the people served, the administrative and staffing supports, and program variations. Differences were noted in administrative planning and considerations for shifting needs with the progression of dementia. Authors note that to be effective there needs to be more concordance between the model components and actual applications.