Blue Cow Memorial
Cowboy Challenge
and the
Training and Beginners Day
on the 30th of November and 1st of December 2024
To be held at
The Western Equine Centre
436 Dunns Road, Otatara
Ribbons or Rosettes 1st - 6th
Saturday 30th, The Blue Cow Memorial CC, (points approved)
Sunday 1st Dec, Training Morning and Beginner competition in the afternoon.
Programe: Saturday the 30th.
Points approved cowboy challenge for Youth, Rookie, Intermediate and open divisions. Course walk for all divisions. Round 1 starts.
Lunch at conclusion of 1st round Course walk for all competitors through to second round.
(as set in the rule book)
Prize giving at the conclusion of the days events.
Sunday 1st Dec, Training starts at, finish/course closed at 12 noon.
All areas of the course will be open for training. You can train in your own way or there will be instructors available to ask for help. Beginners will have their course walk, old fashioned way with each obstacle explained. (with a Judge) Beginners comp will start. One round only, 13 obstacles.
(Youth beginners may have less obstacles and be in the arena only)
Beginner's prize giving at the conclusion of their event.
It would be very much appreciated if Deep South members attending training and not riding in beginner make themselves available to help with the Beginners comp and the adult and older teenage beginners make themselves available as arena crew for Saturdays Event.
Camping is available from 3pm on Friday 29th, $10 per horse. Bring own electric fence gear. Yards available $5.00 extra, limited, first in- first served.
Hay for travellers $8 per bale.
Toliets and water on site.
Bar-b-que available for use on Friday and Saturday nights, BYO.
Entries close 5pm Sunday 24th of November!