IMPORTANT - Please read the following, then click the "Submit" button below to submit your registration request. Contact the Office of Continuing Education at 518-743-2238 or with any questions.
- The information submitted in this form will be used by Continuing Education staff to register the individual listed on this form for the course(s) specified.
- Once you have been officially signed up for the class in the College’s registration system, Continuing Education staff will send you a confirmation by email or phone, as well as send a hard copy of the confirmation and bill to your mailing address.
- If a course is full and unable to take additional registrations, or if we need to clarify additional details to finalize your registration, we will contact you by phone and/or email as soon as possible.
- Please note that you will be automatically billed via mail for the course(s) once your registration has occurred. Details on our refund/bill adjustment policy and how to pay course fees are available at
By clicking the submission button below, I confirm that I am the individual listed on this form, or their parent/guardian, or their significant other, or a sponsoring employer.