AFPSV Professional Development Scholarship Application
AFPSV Scholarships are available only to help cover members’ personal costs.
Checks will be paid to the individual applicant, and not to organizations.
Eligibility, rules and procedures are available at
Your reimbursement will be up to 50% of the fee, unless stipulated.
You will be notified within 30 days of receipt of application.
The AFP Chamberlain Scholarship, available in the fall, has a separate form and terms.
If you have any questions, please contact or (408) 744-0412.
Job Title
Mailing Address with City, State & Zip
AFP Membership ID Number
Number of years in your current position
Total number of years in your current position
Total number of years in fund development
Organization's annual budget
Number of full-time employees
1. Please describe any involvement or participation you have had with the AFP organization - either at the local or international level OR any plans for future involvement with AFPSV (e.g., committee work).
2. Please outline any fundraising/development training in which you’ve participated within the last three years.
3. Please give a brief narrative as to the reason(s) you are pursuing AFP membership or this particular training/conference/workshop experience as it relates to you and/or your present employer.
4. How do you plan to use your AFP membership or this training experience when you return to your organization?
5. Select at least one of the following areas in which you would be willing to share your scholarship experience
Newsletter article
Program presentation
6. Type of Professional Development
Membership (1 year) in AFP Global and Silicon Valley Chapter
AFPSV Fundraising Academy
AFPSV Workshop/Class
AFP International Conference
Study guides or testing for accreditation (CFRE, ACFRE, AHP or equivalent
7. If this is a non-AFP training, please provide a link to a class description, summary or agenda.
8. Cost of the above selection
9. Will your employer be contributing to the cost of membership or this training?
Yes, my employer will be paying for ALL of the cost.
Yes, my employer will be paying for PART of the cost.
No, I will be paying for all if it personally.
Type option 4
10. Understanding and Agreement
1. I have read and understand the guidelines at
2. I am employed and spend a minimum of at least fifty percent of my time fundraising for my employer/client.
3. It is my intention to utilize this training experience to enhance the professional development of my fundraising career.
4. I will utilize this experience to help preserve and enhance philanthropy and high ethical standards in the fundraising profession.
5. I understand reimbursement or refund will be given only to individuals and not any organization.
6. I understand funds are reimbursable and are only issued after proof of payment and attendance, if applicable, is given.
7. My supervisor is aware of the terms of this application
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