*Individuals will be notified of their proposal's status via email, using the address provided above, after review by the Conference Planning Committee.
Mainstage sessions and concurrent sessions are typically 45-60 minutes in length. Most presenters will speak for 45-50 minutes and allow for 10-15 minutes of audience Q&A. Some presenters will speak for the full 45-60 and will not have audience Q&A, this is more common for mainstage sessions than for concurrent sessions.
Unless you notify us otherwise, AHF will share your presentation materials with attendees. AHF reserves the right to record, broadcast and/or distribute your session during or after the national conference at its discretion. AHF reserves the right to add any recorded sessions to its Online Learning Management System for virtual learning and credit after the conference has ended.
If selected, Operator Members will be provided with travel and conference attendance support is selected to present. If you indicate that you are requesting on honorarium, you are indicating that you are either not an operator member or that you are requesting payment above and beyond standard conference attendance and travel support.
Please be prepared to provide references upon request for each speaker included in this proposal.
AHF's Conference Planning Committee (CPC) will review all submissions after the RFP closes in December. Once the CPC has reviewed all of the submissions and determined who will be selected to speak in New Orleans, we will reach out to all those who submitted a proposal with a status update.