Requirements for Requesting Testing Accommodations for
Applicants with Disabilities
AMT will not review doumentation prior to an application being submitted.
AMT supports the intent of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and will provide reasonable accommodations during testing to provide equal opportunities for applicants with disabilities.
General Information
All requests for special accommodations should be made at the time of initial application to AMT, before authorization to take an exam is given. AMT must receive the testing accommodation application and supplemental material before scheduling a testing appointment. Applicants are reminded that not all individuals with disabilities require special test accommodations. AMT will only offer accommodations as appropriate and evaluates each application on a case-by-case basis. AMT holds the right to refuse any accommodation if the documentation does not support the disability or if offering a particular accommodation “would fundamentally alter the measurement of the skills or knowledge of the examination as intended to test or would result in an undue burden.” (Americans with Disabilities Act, Public Law 101-336 309[b][3]; see 28 CFR 36.309(b)(3)).
Review of Documentation
All requests for accommodations must be accompanied by the following documentation: clinical documentation, proof of prior accommodations, and a personal statement. Descriptions of these documents are listed at the end of the application. All materials must be recent (within the past three (3) years) and must be provided to AMT in a single submission. Incomplete applications will not be processed.
Each application is reviewed carefully by the AMT Office and/or the EQS Committee before accommodations are provided. AMT will render a decision and notify applicants within 30 days of receiving the application. If accommodations are not granted, the applicant may appeal the decision.
For additional information on the appeals process, please contact the AMT Certification Experience Team at