Permission to perform surgery or other invasive procedure
I am the owner or the agent for the owner of the animal described above, and I have the authority to execute this consent. I hereby consent and authorize the Animal Care Center to receive, prescribe for, treat for, or operate on my pet, and I fully understand that there may be risks associated with the procedure(s) and/ or anesthesia. Possible complications of surgery include bleeding and infection, damage to other internal organs, blood clots, allergic or other bad reactions to one or more of the substances including anesthetic agents used in this surgery, and death of your animal. I further understand that during the course of the operation or procedure, unforeseen conditions may arise that may necessitate the performance of additional procedures.
I agree to pay, in full, for services rendered, including those deemed necessary for medical or surgical complications or otherwise unforeseen circumstances. Any estimate or charges for the presently planned procedure are only an approximation. This is only an estimate, final charges can only be calculated at the end of treatment. I have read the foregoing statements and agree to these terms.