C-Corporation Return
(IRS Form 1120)
Business Information
Responsible Party Name (person signing on behalf of the organization)
First Name
Last Name
Company Name
Please type the complete, legal name of the company
Tax Year
Mailing Address
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Is your primary address of business different from mailing address?
Primary Address of Business
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Number of officers issued W-2s during tax year
Number of employee issued W-2s during tax year
Principal business activity
Product or service
Did the company have any change in ownership during tax year?
Purchaser Information
Purchaser's Name
Purchaser's Address
Purchaser's SSN
Ownership Percentage
Other Information
During the tax year did the corporation make any payments that would require it to file Form(s) 1099?
Did the corporation file or will it file required Form(s) 1099?
Does the corporation satisfy both of the following conditions: the corporation's total receipts for the tax year were less than $250,000 AND the corporation's total assets at the end of the tax year were less than $250,000?
Estimated Tax Payments
Did you make any estimated FEDERAL tax payments for the C-Corporation?
Estimated FEDERAL tax payments for the C-Corporation
Date Paid
Amount Paid $
Applied from Prior Year
First Quarter
Second Quarter
Third Quarter
Fourth Quarter
Payment with Extension
Did you make any estimated STATE tax payments for the C-Corporation?
Estimated STATE tax payments for the C-Corporation
Date Paid
Amount Paid $
Applied from Prior Year
First Quarter
Second Quarter
Third Quarter
Fourth Quarter
Payment with Extension
Assets (as of 12/31)
Cash (including bank account balances)
Loans to Shareholders
Other Investments?
Other Investment (please specify)
Amount $
Other Investment (please specify)
Amount $
Investment File Upload(s)
Browse Files
Drag and drop files here
Choose a file
Other Assets?
Other Asset (please specify)
Amount $
Other Asset (please specify)
Amount $
Other Asset File Upload(s)
Browse Files
Drag and drop files here
Choose a file
Liabilities (as of 12/31)
Mortgages, notes, bonds payable in less than 1 year
Loans from shareholders
Mortgages, notes, bonds payable in 1 year or more
Other Liabilities?
Other Liability (please specify)
Amount $
Other Liability (please specify)
Amount $
Capital Stock - Preferred Stock Description
Amount $
Capital Stock - Common Stock Description
Amount $
Did you have additional paid-in capital (cash owner contributions)?
Name of Officer #1
Amount $
Name of Officer #2
Amount $
Name of Officer #3
Amount $
Name of Officer #4
Amount $
Officer Compensation
Did you have Officer Compensation (reported on W-2)?
Name of Officer #1
Amount $
Name of Officer #2
Amount $
Name of Officer #3
Amount $
Name of Officer #4
Amount $
Did you have Officer Compensation (NOT reported on W-2)?
Name of Officer #1
Amount $
Name of Officer #2
Amount $
Name of Officer #3
Amount $
Name of Officer #4
Amount $
Additional notes or changes to your tax return compared to last year
I confirm that the information provided on this worksheet is correct and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I will notify Accent Financial Services in a timely manner if any changes occur.
Should be Empty: