Updated September 2024
MEDICAL - If the primary member becomes physically unable to use a substantial portion of the health club services for 30 or more consecutive days and is under the medical care of a doctor, physician assistant, or nurse practitioner, you may request to freeze your membership. Medical freezes have no freeze fees.
ELECTIVE - The primary member may freeze their membership up to three (3) times per calendar year for a minimum period of one (1) month and a maximum period of three (3) months. A $25 fee per month that the membership is frozen will be charged to the primary member's account as per the billing cycle. If the membership is pre-paid, the fee will be required prior to the start of the freeze.
If the membership has not passed the original obligation date, medical freezes will add the freeze time to all agreements for both membership and personal training services. If the membership has passed the original obligation date (medical or elective), only one (1) month will be added. This includes, but is not limited to, sub-members and their respective personal training agreements.
There are no partial membership freezes. The entire membership will be placed on freeze.
All freezes are considered inactive memberships. Inactive memberships will have no access to use any services of (at) American Family Fitness.
Memberships are frozen in month increments from membership bill date to membership bill date.
Scheduled Maintenance Fee will NOT be suspended and will bill as scheduled.
Please complete and submit 7 business days PRIOR to your next draft.
If the use of the club prior to the scheduled end of the freeze term is desired, the primary member may contact or visit any club location to reactivate the membership, a prorate may be collected based upon the date resumed.
To request to freeze your membership, please select the type of freeze from the options below: