The Bleeding Disorders of Kentucky Foundation wants to send you to the CSL Junior National Championship! Participants will have the opportunity to:
- Participate in baseball, basketball, golf or swimming activities to learn the fundamentals and enhance their skills in that sport.
- Learn about the importance of physical fitness in managing a bleeding disorder and receive instructions on proper stretching techniques and good athletic form.
- Show off their baseball, basketball, golf or swimming abilities in a national competition with fellow participants from around the country.
- Connect and build relationships with fellow members of the bleeding disorders community by sharing their personal experiences with one another.
JNC will take place September 20-22, 2024 in Henderson, NV. All travel, lodging, and meals are included except for travel to and from your local airport. This event is open to children with bleeding disorders between 7-18 years of age and must be accompanied by a parent/guardian.
Complete the following application to enter the drawing for this unique opportunity!