Authorization and Acknowledgment: By signing this waiver and consent, I, the legal parent/guardian grant permission for myself/my children to participate in any and all activities as part of the bleeding disorders family event. I recognize and acknowledge the inherent risks that may present for myself/children including but not limited to: falls, trips, uneven ground, weather, bleeding events.
I acknowledge that the possession or use of alcoholic beverages and illegal drugs are strictly forbidden at any Bleeding Disorders of Kentucky (BDoKy) event. I understand the possession of any weapon (firearm, knife, explosives, or any other item which BDoKY may determine, in its sole discretion, is a weapon) is strictly forbidden at the event facility. I authorize (BDOKY) to release my demographic information to supporting affiliates who help with the cost of our family participating in the sponsored activities. I agree to RELEASE and HOLD HARMLESS BDOKY, the facility, its founder, trustees, directors, officers, employees, agents, affiliates, volunteers and medical staff (“Staff”) from any and all injury claims of any other nature which may result from my participation and my children's participation at the event, including travel to or from the event. I agree to indemnify and hold the staff and other children at the event harmless from any and all liability caused by my children, whether or not intentional.