By signing below, each of the above-listed business and business owner/officer (individually and collectively, “you”) authorize Break Bread Lending and each of its representatives, successors, assignees, designees, and partners (“Recipients”) that may be involved with producing or acquiring private or commercial working capital for you. This includes private lines of credit, term loans, government backed SBA loans, cash advances, and tailor-made loans specific to you. Options can have monthly or weekly payment plans. Some options have daily repayment features or purchases of future receivables, including merchant cash advance transactions. Our offers will be clearly defined, and you are not obligated to take any of the options presented to you. This application allows the Recipients to obtain consumer or personal, business, and investigative reports and other information about you, including credit card processor statements and bank statements from one or more consumer reporting agencies, such as TransUnion, Experian, and Equifax, and from other credit bureaus, banks, creditors, and third parties in order to fascilitate you with one of the aformentioned loans. This will not have an adverse affect on your credit as all credit pulls are soft in underwriting. In the event that you default on any loan provided to you through Break Bread Lending, you shall be held responsible for any, and all pertaining monitory damages. You authorize Break Bread Lending to transmit this application form, and any of the foregoing information obtained in connection with this application, to any or all the Recipients for the foregoing purposes. You also consent to the release, by any creditor or financial institution, of any information relating to any of you, to the Recipients. Under no circumstances will your information be sold or shopped. We are committed to your confidentiality, and you can rely on us to maintain the utmost level of security and diginity with all of your interactions with our services.