Green Hands Burgos in Ábrego - Application Form
European Solidarity Corps
Name & Surname
Phone Number
Country of Residence
Date of Birth
Date of birth
No binary/ Other
Please introduce yourself: education, past working experiences relevant for this project, current occupation (student, worker, unemployed...)
What is your motivation in taking part in this project?
Are you interested in environmental education and rural development? Why?
Do you have experience in the activities of this project (environmental education activities, planning activities and materials, communication, etc.- check the infopack)? If yes, please describe
What caught your attention the most about the Ábrego Association and the project?
Have you already lived abroad or experienced an international context? If yes, please describe
Do you speak Spanish? If yes, please describe your hobbies in Spanish. If no, do you think will be difficult for you learn the language?
What contributions can you give to the project? Tell us about your skills and give us a reason to select you!
The European Commission encourages the participation of youngsters with fewer opportunities or disadvantaged backgrounds. Do any of the following situations apply to you? Please select one or more than one option
Social obstacles: young people facing discrimination (because of gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, disability, etc.), young people with limited social skills or anti-social or risky sexual behaviours, young people in a precarious situation, (ex ) offenders, (ex ) drug addicts, young and/or single parents, orphans, young people from broken families, etc.
Economic obstacles: young people with a low standard of living, low income, dependence on social welfare system, long-term unemployed youth, homeless young people, young people in debt or in financial problems, etc.
Disability: young people with mental (intellectual, cognitive, learning), physical, sensory or other disabilities.
Educational difficulties: young people with learning difficulties, early school-leavers and school dropouts, lowly or non-qualified persons, young people that didn't find their way in the school system, young people with poor school performance because of a different cultural/linguistic background, etc.
Cultural differences: young immigrants or refugees or descendants from immigrant or refugee families, young people belonging to a national or ethnic minority, young people with linguistic adaptation and cultural inclusion problems, etc.
Health problems: young people with chronic health problems, severe illnesses or psychiatric conditions, young people with mental health problems, etc.
Geographical obstacles: young people from remote, rural or hilly areas, young people living on small islands or peripheral regions, young people from urban problem zones, young people from less serviced areas (limited public transport, poor facilities, abandoned villages...), etc.
Sending organisation (leave blank if you don't have one)
Contact of the sending organisation (leave blank if you don't have one)
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