C3 Weekend Gathering Survey
Please take a few minutes to tell us what you think about our C3 Weekend Gatherings and how we can improve in the coming year.
📋 Section 1. Your General Experience
Let's start by learning a little bit about you and your general experience at C3
1. What do you enjoy the most about our weekend gatherings at C3?
2. How would you rate the quality of speakers at our weekend gatherings?
Very Good
Needs Improvement
3. Which best describes your current beliefs?
Spiritual but not Religious
4. How relevant were the 2024 C3 speakers and topics to your personal/spiritual journey?
Very relevant
Somewhat relevant
Not very relevant
Completely irrelevant
5. Were there any speakers, topics, or talks in 2024 that stood out to you?
🗓️Section 2. Future Topics & Interests
Help us understand which topics inspire and interest you.
6. Which of the following topics would you be most interested in hearing about at C3 in 2025? (choose all that apply)
Mindfulness and Meditation (cultivating presence, awareness, "Be Here Now")
Zen Buddhism (exploring the roots, history & wisdom of Zen traditions)
Living with Death in Mind (frank and honest talks about life's transition)
Fear, Anxiety, and Worry (understanding & integrating our reactive emotions)
Cultivating Gratitude (exploring the wisdom of gratitude from spiritual teachers)
Sacred Activism (aligning social justice with our personal values)
The Spirituality of Food (how food connects us to culture, nature, and each other)
Indigenous Teachings and Practices (learning from ancestral wisdom and traditions)
The Spirituality of Plant Medicines (exploring our sacred depths through altered states)
Healing Through Creativity (art, music, and creative expression as paths to wholeness)
The Sacred Feminine (exploring feminine wisdom, energy, and balance)
Spiritual Ecology (connecting deeply with the earth and its ecosystems)
The Body's Wisdom (somatic practices that inform healing, insight, and growth)
The Wisdom of Aging (what contemporary research & ancient wisdom tell us about aging well)
Digital Consciousness (the intersection of A.I., technology, and spirituality)
The Alchemy of Failure (turning setbacks into growth and transformation)
Time, Presence, and Attention (rethinking how we live in a fast-paced world)
The Power of Ritual (how Sacred Practices Ground Us and Deepen Our Spiritual Connection)
Oracles (learning from the great wisdom teachers)
ISMs (Humanism, Nihilism, Stoicism, Existentialism, Cynicism)
Good Grief (lessons learned from the wild edge of sorrow)
7. Do you have any other suggestions for future topics, themes, or speakers?
📣Section 3. Weekend Gathering Structure and Flow
8. How would you rate our weekend gatherings on the following aspects? (1=poor, 5=excellent)
Length of the Gathering
Space for Reflection
Service Flow
Sound Quality
Diversity of Topics/Interests
Gathering Space & Rooms
Opportunities for Audience participation
Musical Elements
Invite-friendly Service & Topics
Visual Elements (graphics, print, slides)
Pre-Talk, Talk-Back
Friendliness & sense of community
Capability of Gathering Hosts
Weekly Meditations
Weekly Bulletin handout
Gender Diversity on Stage
🙋🏼♀️Section 4. Connection & Community
9. Do you feel that there are enough opportunities for you to connect meaningfully with others, before, after or outside of the weekend gatherings?
Yup, plenty!
Some, but there could be more
No, I don't feel connected
10. Do you feel comfortable inviting friends and family to C3?
Yes, I invite them all the time
No, I rarely invite people
11. Is there anything we could do to make it easier for you to invite people to our gatherings?
💡Section 5. Final Thoughts
Anything else you'd like to share? Now's your chance! We're all ears!
12. Is there anything else you'd like to share to help us improve your experience at C3?
Name (leave blank if you prefer your feedback to be anonymous)
First Name
Last Name
Email (optional)
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