Following are some important considerations for all who will volunteer and have direct contact with the children through CEF ministries.
CEF does online background checks utilizing a secure server so that your information is safe.
All volunteers (age 18 and older) and CEF missionaries are required to undergo a national criminal background check.
All approved workers receive a required nametag upon completion of these steps.
A. Gather and record the following information
1. Birthdate
2. Your salvation testimony.
3. Contact information for four (4) references (name, phone, email). This should include pastor or church leader, previous employer, and personal references. No relatives please.
Record your information on this form.
B. Review and sign agreement to the policies
- View "Protecting Today's Child" (10 min) online presentation or listen by calling 1-866-878-4182
- Read our Child Protection Policy, the CEF Statement of Faith and CEF Ministry Complaince Agreement
- Sign agreement to these policies.
C. Provide the additional information requested and submit this form.
STEP 2: ID CHECK AND INTERVIEW for the New Volunteer
This final step will be completed by your CEF team leader prior to serving.
A face to face interview will be set up with the closest CEF representative to view photo I.D. (driver's license, passport, or school ID) and conduct a short interview. If photo id is not available please bring a copy of the birth certificate and be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
STEP 3: Once all other steps are completed, you will receive your nametag, indicating that you are a screened volunteer.