Consent for Telehealth Services
Telehealth services are live two-way audio and video electronic communications that provide a way for mental health services to occur outside of the physical site of The Clear View School Day Treatment Center. The Clear View School Day Treatment Center’s telehealth policies and procedures are available here.
• Telehealth services are completely voluntary, and this consent may be withdrawn at any time.
• Rules of HIPAA and FERPA that protect privacy and confidentiality apply to telehealth. The physical space for both hub and distant site participants will provide for audio and video privacy. All participants will identify themselves to each other at the beginning of each session.
• Audio or video recordings of any portion of audio or video telehealth sessions may not be made by hub or distant site participants.
• Where the individual receiving telehealth services is a minor, the individual and his/her parent/guardian will be given the opportunity to provide input regarding who will be in the room with the individual when telehealth services are provided.
• Interruptions and technical difficulties are a risk of telehealth services. If an audio or video telehealth connection drops during a session, previously established plans for reconnecting will be engaged.
• A telehealth session may be discontinued at any time by hub or distant site participant if it is assessed that the audio or video technology is not adequate for the situation.
• If there is any emergency during a telehealth session, the provider may call emergency services or the designated emergency contacts.
I, {PG1Full}, hereby give my informed consent for the use of telehealth in my child's care and understand all of the above.