Update Your Membership
Personal Information
We will use this to match your submission to your member profile.
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Your union
UHealth Workers United
United Campus Workers Utah
What would you like to do?
Change my dues level
Change my donations
End or pause my membership
Update my name, contact info, job classification, or something else
Why are you ending or pausing your union membership?
Explain what employment or contact information you would like to update
What is your new annual salary?
New Dues Rate ($/month)
Monthly Optional Donations
(not tax deductible)
Political Action Fund (optional): Contribute to CWA's political action fund to increase our influence in national, state, and district electoral struggles. See www.cwa-union.org/cwa-political-action-fund.
Leave as is
UCWU Mutual Aid Fund (optional): Add a donation to our mutual aid fund which assists UCW members with financial insecurity.
Leave as is
CWA 7765 General Fund (optional): Add an additional monthly donation to the union's general fund.
Leave as is
$1 to cover transaction fees (optional): Add an optional $1 to your monthly contribution to help cover transaction fees. This frees up more of our funds for building our union.CWA 7765 General Fund (optional): Add an additional monthly donation to the union's general fund.
Leave as is
Should be Empty: