What Position Can I Fill at Camp?
If I am accepted, what position can I fill at camp? All aides must choose at least one center and one unit.
UNIT STAFF: (about 60 Camp Aides) Work with a team of adults assigned to the same group of campers for the full session, helping to plan and carry out the theme and activities in the out-of-doors. Those who are just completing 6th grade should not choose PALs.
• Toddlers & Pixies (infants through rising-K)
• Daisies (current Kindergarten)
• Bridgers (1st)
• Brownies (2nd)
• Fly-ups (3rd)
• Juniors (4th)
• PALs (5th)
• Younger Boys (approximately K-3rd grade)
• Older Boys (approximately 4th-5th grade)
• Any Unit
CENTER STAFF: (about 60 Camp Aides) Work with a team of adults assigned to teach specific skills or information to all age levels throughout the camp session. Each center will be responsible for coordinating with the program director. Centers may be assigned tasks by the directors when their center is not in operation. This year’s centers MAY include:
• Archery
• Arts & Crafts
• Fabric Arts (fabric craft TBD)
• Cooking
• Fishing
• Games
• Gimp
• Leatherworking
• Low Ropes/Lawn Initiatives (possibly A-frames)
• Outdoor Skills
• Pool (must be lifeguard certified)
• Slingshots & Tomahawks
• Songs
• Theater
• Tie-dye
• Any Center
All Aides should expect extra pre-camp training/planning sessions with their unit or center leaders. This may occur at any time between now and August.
You MUST put down five DIFFERENT choices and all aides must choose at least one center and one unit. Coordinate your choices with your (potential) buddy!