Case Study
James is 28 years old and sustained a traumatic brain injury following an assault. He participated in a 3-month inpatient rehabilitation program at a Brain Injury Unit in a hospital. As a result of his injury, James has weakness down his left side, making it difficult for him to walk long distances or carry heavy objects. James also has difficulty planning and organising his time. Often on the ward in the hospital he became frustrated because he couldn't seem to get to his appointments on time. It is now eight weeks since James's discharge. He has returned to live in his two-bedroom unit. He is living alone and receiving carer support for main meal preparation and heavy household cleaning tasks. James has been finding that he is tired all the time and that he is not managing to get on top of all the household chores. He is finding this very frustrating and is often having aggressive outbursts due to this frustration. James also has difficulty remembering exactly what he has done during the week and what appointments he needs to attend. This often makes it difficult when James meets up with friends who inevitably ask, "what have you been doing lately?" It also means that he has to be extremely careful that he doesn't double-book himself. James has parents and a sister who regularly keep in touch with him.