Thanks for checking out Music Kids at Butterscotch Studios. An enrolled parent or guardian must be present and available at all times. This is a participatory experience, and guardians are encouraged and expected to interact with their child for the the duration of the class time.
Dates are set, and non-transferrable. You may withdraw at any time, however there will be no refunds issued for cancellation, absence or weather closures. Music Kids follows the BVSD/St. Vrain Public School weather cancellations, and will notify parents and guardians of class cancellation as soon as possible, up to the morning of needed cancellation. There are no guaranteed make up days if the center is closed or for severe weather, however, we will attempt to find a date when possible.
All Hummingbird classes are held Wednesdays from 9-9:20 am
All Puffin classes are held Wednesdays from 9:30-10 am
Important Notes
An enrolled guardian must be present at all times. This should be a fun experience that you share with your child!
There are no refunds for student absences, inclement weather or school closures.
Please ensure you have the most up to date email for your account, as communication will be primarily through email.
By participating in the Butterscotch Studios community you agree to uphold the values outlined in the Butterscotch Community Guidelines.
All classes will be held at Butterscotch Studios, 620 Kimbark Street, Longmont, CO