2023-2024 Cheshire Elementary PTO Sponsorship Levels
Platinum Sponsorship - $1000+
- Large company logo on our sponsors banner that will be displayed at PTO events (donate by 10/1/23)
- Company logo is displayed on our webpage for the 2023-2024 school year and is mentioned 5 times on our social media pages
- Logo included in PTO newsletter
- Invitation to addtional PTO events
- Table at our Fall Fest to be held on Saturday, October 28, 2023
- Company logo on spring fundraiser t-shirt
Gold Sponsorship - $750 to $999
- Medium company logo on our sponsors banner that will be displayed at PTO events (donate by 10/1/23)
- Company logo is displayed on our webpage for the 2023-2024 school year and mentioned 3 times on our social media pages
- Logo included in PTO newsletter
- Table at our Fall Fest to be held on Saturday, October 28, 2023
Silver Sponsorship - $500 to $749
- Small company logo on sponsors banner that will be displayed at PTO events (donate by 10/1/23)
- Company logo displayed on our webpage for the 2022-2023 school year and mentioned 2 times on our Facebook page
Friends & Family - $100 or less
- Family or business name on our sponsors banner that will be displayed at PTO events (dontate by 10/1/23)
Note - The Cheshire Elementary PTO is a registered 501c3, and your sponsorship is tax deductible.