DUE DATE for video submissions & application form is
the Tuesday following Thanksgiving Monday in October
Note: Your application and video submission is considered an "audition".
If selected, you will be invited to perform on the show.
Please note, we will be prerecording (in advance of the show) in some regions,
dates and locations to be announced later.
Please note we will only select Christmas songs for performances on the Christmas Daddies Telethon.
The length of your performance cannot exceed 3 minutes 30 seconds.
We require the completed application and a video of the selection
you want to perform on the Telethon.
Your video audition can be recorded on a phone,
it does not need to be fancy, but should be well lit (not dark),
do not stand with your back to a window
and use the best sound quality available to you.
It is extremely important
your video is labelled with the performers name
and not the preassigned file name automatically assigned
when you record on a phone.
Submit your video using wetransfer.com
to christmas.daddies@bellmedia.ca
Submitting a Talent Application Form and video
does not guarantee your performance will be included in the live broadcast.
All talent submissions will be considered by Telethon producers.
All applicants will be contacted after all applications
have been reviewed.
The review process is lengthy and your patience in waiting for a response from Christmas Daddies is greatly appreciated.
Note: Navigate through the form with Tab key
to advance to the next field.
Do not use the ENTER key or you will receive a lot of required field messages before you are able to submit.