The Guild at Civic Theatre promotes excellence in arts education. The mission of the Guild is to support Civic Theatre educational programming through service, fundraising, and community awareness. To this end, two scholarships have been created for graduating high school seniors in 2025 in the amount of $1,000 each. Details are as follows:
1. Eligibility Criteria: Applicants must be graduating from high school in 2025, must have prior involvement in Civic Theatre and have contributed to the betterment of their local community. Involvement in Civic Theatre can include (but is not limited to) participation in educational classes, camps, and/or stage productions, including in a technical capacity. Contributions to the local community may include participation in extracurricular activites, paid or volunteer work, or other community service.
2. Application Deadline is May 15, 2025: Applications must be submitted by the specified deadline at 11:59 pm Eastern. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered.
3. Scholarship Amount: The scholarship award amount, as well as the number of scholarships awarded, may vary from year to year. The scholarship amount will be determined by the selection committee. The 2025 scholarship will consist of two $1,000 individual awards. One scholarship will be awarded to a student pursuing a degree in a theatre related major of study and one scholarship will go to a student not pursuing a degree in these disciplines.
4. Selection Process: Scholarship recipients will be chosen based on a review of their applications, including essays, recommendations, and any additional materials required by the scholarship committee. The scholarship selection committee will consist of independent members of the community and members of the Civic Board of Trustees. No permanent Civic staff members will be part of the selection process. All scholarships will be judged anonymously.
5. Use of Scholarship Funds: Scholarship funds must be used for qualified educational expenses, such as tuition, fees, books, supplies, and if applicable, room and board. Any portion of the scholarship used for non-qualified expenses may be subject to taxation.
6. Verification: The scholarship committee reserves the right to verify the information provided in applications.
7. Disbursement of Funds: Scholarship funds will be disbursed directly to the reciepient's college bursar office on the student's behalf.
8. Scholarship Recognition: Recipients may be requested to participate in scholarship recognition events, provide testimonials, or allow their names and photographs to be used in scholarship-related materials.
9. Notification of Award: Scholarship recipients will be notified by email or postal mail. The winners will be recognized Opening Night of the YAP musical in July. Non-recipients will not receive individual notifications.
10. Terms and Conditions: By accepting this scholarship, recipients agree to the terms and conditions outlined in this document and any additional terms specified by the scholarship committee.
11. Review and Revision: The scholarship committee reserves the right to review and revise the scholarship guidelines and conditions as needed.
12. Legal Compliance: This scholarship program complies with all applicable federal and state laws and regulations.
13. Tie Breaker: Judges will assign each application an ordinal scoring number which will be used in the event of a tie.