My child, {name}, has chosen to become a volunteer at Cold Spring Hills. They are 14 years old or older and has completed a medical assessment. Please review and co-sign the assessment.
In accordance with Cold Spring Hills Policy, all volunteers must provide proof of immunization for Measles (Rubeola), Mumps (Parotitis), German Measles (Rubella), a PPD test, and a PPD Booster. If they have a history of a positive PPD, then a chest x-ray report will be required from within the past year. If {name} has not had a PPD test and a booster, your doctor can give them one or our medical office can provide one free of charge.
A PPD or Tuberculin skin test is a test given to see if there has been an exposure to (TB) Tuberculosis.
I understand that because {name} is under 18, I must sign this consent form giving my permission for Cold Spring Hills to administer the PPD test and the PPD booster if required.
Further, by signing below, I am consenting to {name} volunteering at Cold Spring Hills. I have listed myself as an emergency contact and will be responsive to the facility regarding {name} volunteering.