Application for Community Resource Development Funds
Fiscal Year 2026 (July 1st, 2025 - June 30th, 2026)
Date of Request
Legal Name of Organization
Project Name if different
Mailing Address
Contact Person for Proposal
Corporate Status:
For Profit
Tax ID
Has your organization received CRD funding from Circle of Care in the past?
If yes, please indicate the nature of project and dates funded:
Is this project currently funded by other sources, including DCF?
If yes, please indicate your current funding source(s):
Are you seeking funding for this project in other counties via CRD Funds?
If yes, please indicate what county(ies) you're applying with:
Agency W-9 form
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Resume/CV of principal/primary service providers for program
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Program Proposal
1. Needs Statement:
1.1: Need identification:
An explanation/rationale/justification for the proposed activity (what need identified in the RFP is being targeted?). Statement should show and understanding of the needs of youth and families in our community, and the NJ Children’s System of Care.
2. Description of Agency and History of Service to Youth and Families:
2.1: Brief Overview of the organization:
Including mission statement, length of existence, current programs, incorporation and tax status.
3. Description of Service(s) to be funded:
3.1: Organization has expertise related to the need being targeted and the proposed service?
What is the background, qualifications or organizational structure of the agency that would allow them to meet this need effectively?
3.2: Eligibility criteria for targeted population such as, ages, diagnosis, referral sources, catchment area, etc. Who is the program looking to serve, and the number of anticipated participants?
3.3: Project activities and services to be offered: What new or expanded services is this program looking to offer? How will these activities/services target the need identified?
3.4: Accessibility plan and assurance that access process will be free from any form of discrimination. How will the program be advertised? Where will the referrals come from? Are there ADA, language, transportation barriers being addressed?
3.5: Hours of operation, staffing requirements, location of program, effective period or team for the service or activity. Where, when, and who will provide the service/activity? How long will the program run for?
4. Anticipated Outcomes:
4.1: Expected Quantifiable and Reasonable Outcomes, Level of Service and Methods of Measurements to be Utilized:
What results/impact is the program looking to have in the participants (i.e. increased school attendance, increased self-esteem, improved grades, community involvement, etc.)? Are the projected outcomes realistic, reasonable and within the time frame the program is expected to run?
5. Sustainability Plan:
5.1: Plan(s) to Demonstrate Sustainability:
Plans to demonstrate sustainability of program beyond the end of the effective term, with an outline of relevant strategies (i.e. third-party reimbursement, additional grants, growth plan, client fees, etc.). How will the program continue to run after this year's funding ends? Fundraising, donations, partnerships with other organizations, etc. are all acceptable forms of sustainability, if there is a clear and concrete plan.
6. Evaluation Methods:
6.1: Quality assurance methods of measurement to gauge progress and show outcomes: How will the program ensure that there is consistent high quality service provision (i.e. quality assurance calls, satisfaction surveys, etc.)? What tools will be used to determine if the service/activities have been effective in addressing the identified need (i.e. grades, attendance counts, self/parent reports, etc.)?
6.2: Agreement to submit quarterly comprehensive reports, documenting a quality assurance effort, program performance reports and expenditure reports that include detailed submission of all documents that substantiate funding use (receipts, time logs, invoices, mileage, etc.):
7. Budget
7.1: Exact amount of funds requested and detailed budget for the expenditure of said funds: clear explanation of what the funds will provide (i.e. payroll for additional staff, materials, trainings, supplies, etc.):
7.2: Clear justification of costs SPECIFIC ONLY to this proposal: funds CANNOT purchase services and items specific to individual youth/families. All purchased items must be equitably accessible to ALL participants and relevant to program content (i.e. computers to run a coding program vs. giving one youth a computer to take home and do homework).
(use this for any additional files i.e. photos of previous programs, marketing materials, etc.)
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