(DE-FI) Fashion Week: Designer Invitation Request
Invitation Request
Are you ready to launch your career in fashion with the Dayton Fashion Week Designer Incubator or The Cincinnati Fashion Incubator? If you are planning to apply for our incubators then attending and participating in (DE-FI) Fashion Week is required.
Full Name
First Name
Last Name
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Phone Number
How did you hear about us?
Please Select
Please Specify
Do you consider yourself to be an aspiring or emerging fashion designer? Please explain:
If you are an emerging designer, is your business register with the state? If so, what is your legal structure? Aspiring designers type N/A:
If you are an emerging designer, is your business register with the state? If so, what is your legal structure? Aspiring designers type N/A
Do you know how to sew? If yes, please list your experience: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
Yes, Beginner
Yes, Intermediate
Yes, Advanced
Please list any skills, education, or knowledge that you have that may contribute to your journey in the fashion industry.
What are your career goals as a fashion designer?
Are you experiencing a financial hardship that may prevent you from attending (DE-FI) Fashion Week? If, yes, please explain.
What experience and/or subject are you looking to gain from (DE-FI) Fashion Week or from being a part of our fashion incubator?
Should be Empty: