Topic: Fundamentals 103
Description: New to QCT, Quiltmagine or Quilt Path? The Fundamentals series of classes will help jumpstart your automation journey.
Fundamentals 103 is the best place to learn about the must know features in the software. Must know features are found in a number of places, sometimes visible, sometimes not so visible. The must know features give you control over how the program looks and performs, gives you extended options, and makes some fuctions work more smoothly. Unlock your automation potential by knowing where to find and how to use the Must Know Features.
Class is hands-on using your tablet with the version 5 or 6 of the software. Students will be guided through exercises to build knowledge, skill, and confidence in the various features.
Class Supplies: Tablet with latest version of software, suggest having charging cord nearby if needed.
Class Fee: $37
Class will be about 2 hours long.
Join us on Wednesday, February 12 at 6:30 PM (EST)