The Darke County Farm Bureau is offering $500 scholarship awards to Darke County Farm Bureau members’ children, preference being given to applicants majoring in Agriculture. The scholarship is for the purpose of continuing higher education at a college or university.
QUALIFICATIONS: Applications will be accepted from students meeting the following qualifications:
1. College student of sophomore status or above.
2. Must be enrolled as a full-time student in a college or university program for Fall Quarter/Semester of 2025. (Preference is given to applicants majoring in agriculture.)
3. Parents or applicant must be a Darke County Farm Bureau member prior to applying.
4. Applicant may not have been a previous winner of this scholarship.
CONDITIONS OF THE SCHOLARSHIP – The award will be used towards the student’s tuition and fees and will be processed through the scholarship office of the chosen school.
SELECTION – Selection of the final applicants will be made by the Darke County Farm Bureau Board of Trustees.
WHERE AND HOW TO APPLY – Sumbit the required materials via this jotform to the scholarship committee by April 1, 2025
NOTIFICATION OF WINNERS – Our office will notify all applicants of the winners. Winners will be required to give a photograph to the Farm Bureau for our publications.
The application and information received will be property of the Darke County Farm Bureau and will be held in strict confidence.