Welcome to the EQUUS Film & Arts Fest Art Contest. Every horse has a story, it’s our mission at the EQUUS Film & Arts Fest to share those stories, through film, podcast, live stream, art, and literature.
"The contest will be judged virtually based on your photo submission. Please include the most appropriate representation of your work and a description and category of entry for each submission.
Artists selected for the competition will also have the option of displaying their submissions on-site at the event. Artists will be responsible for set up and supervision of their artwork during the show. An Art Space will be provided, but each artist should bring an easel/stand or other appropriate method of displaying the piece."
Art Contest Opens: December 1, 2024
Art Contest Deadline: September 15, 2025,
WINNERS to be announced at the 2025 EQUUS Film & Arts Fest end of season event.
Art Contest Entry Fee: $35 per piece entered (+$3 Payment Processing Fee)
The only criterion for each entry is that it captures the elements or essence of the horse, the horse at large, and/or all that surrounds the horse.
The Art Contest will be conducted in the EQUUS Film & Arts Fest program. We will be awarding WINNIE Awards and Honorable Mentions for Art entries. Select artists will be invited to join us at other locations. Prominent exposure on the EQUUS FILM & ARTS FEST website and FaceBook, Twitter, and Pinterest will also be given.
The EQUUS Film & Arts Fest strives to serve the interests and needs of equine filmmakers, artists, podcasters, live streamers, bloggers, and authors, connecting artists with audiences, exhibiting, and promoting new films and filmmaking talent and equine art, nurturing a creative community by facilitating relationships that last well beyond each year’s festival. We curate for quality, not quantity. The EQUUS Film & Arts Fest is held in a world-class destination. If your book is selected, we would like for you to attend and present your work to the horse lovers who live in and/or are visiting. YOU can expect first-rate hospitality, appreciative audiences, networking events, awards, and the opportunity to explore the most celebrated city in the country.
WINNIE Award Winners not present at the year-end event to collect their Awards can have them shipped.
In the Continental USA - $35
Outside USA - $65
You will also need to film (on your iphone is ok) a 2 - 5 minute introduction of yourself and an introduction to your book.
Phone held sideways presents the best Video for our format.
This will be put together in our Artist introductions!
This file can be sent via: https://wetransfer.com/
Please send to both:
Lisa Diersen lisa@equusfilmfestival.net and
Julianne Neal at jamediaconnections@gmail.com