Art Showcase Application
Are you an artist in the Tampa Bay area interested in displaying their works in the library’s art gallery? Artists selected will exhibit for one or two consecutive months. There are no set criteria for artwork, though the pieces should be crafted or framed to a professional standard and have strong public appeal. Artists should provide examples of work with their application that illustrate their current portfolio. Since all works will be mounted on our wall display system, two-dimensional art is preferred but some three-dimensional art can be considered (e.g. masks, collages, fiber arts, etc.).
Full Name
First Name
Last Name
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Please describe the work you wish to exhibit. Include any information not conveyed by your photographs (medium, technique).
Any local art groups or organizations you are a member of?:
Have you displayed your work locally?
If so, where and when? Please type N/A if you have not locally displayed your work.
If you are selected to exhibit at ELCL, are there any date or dates in the upcoming year that your artwork would be unavailable for display?
Please read before submitting your application:
Interested parties are required to submit this application along with at least FIVE images of artwork attached along with the exact dimensions; applications without clear sample images will not be considered. Images can be sent as photographs or e-mail attachments.
Attach at least FIVE images of artwork here (see above):
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