The Victorian Selection Panel is being formed for a one year term. Begining end of November 2024.
The role is to select riders to represent Victoria in Team and Individual competition, along with Squads High Development Team when required.
The positions are open to any intrested person, (including but no restricted to), current athlete, past athletes, officals, even administraors and past selectors.
Position Criteria
- You must hold a current EA/EV membership
- Regular attendance at shows
- High-level knowledge of the current performance level of the Victorian riders that will be under consideation in possible selections. This includes Senior, Young Rider and Junior level competitors.
- Ability to apply selection criteria in a far, unbaised way. Conflict of Interest must be declared to the chair of the panel if it arises
- The role requires panel members treat any discussions in a confidential manner to ensure respect for the riders, other panel members and JV is upheld.
- Any request for selection opionion is to be answered in a timely manner as to ensure the process is not adversely held up.