The youth Job Order is attached and becomes part of this agreement. It is agreed that, as a Work Experience Job Worksite/Project, our responsibilities to the Greater Erie Community Action Committee (GECAC) and the work experience job participants will be: 1. To provide meaningful and challenging work experience for youth under our supervision. These assignments should be relevant to the assigned task(s) as stated on the youth job order. 2. To provide adequate supervision by supervisors who are knowledgeable of the Earn + Learn program goals. At a worksite, the supervisory staff will consist of a minimum of one (1) supervisor per (12) participants. Each supervisor must participate in Earn + Learn orientation. 3. To maintain accurate time and attendance records for all participants assigned to the worksite. Participants are paid only for time worked. Participants are not paid for holidays, sick leave, vacation leave, or lunch breaks. 4. To post in a prominent place at the actual worksite, all required Federal and State postings in addition to copies of grievance procedures, anti discrimination, and equal employment opportunity information. 5. To have available on-site emergency phone numbers and contact persons for all participants and to ensure that supervisors are aware of location of emergency listings. 6. To comply with the Federal, State, and Local Child Labor Laws and the Earn + Learn program regulations. 7. To notify the lead agency of any participant problems, pending labor disputes grievances, or any conditions that may affect the performances of this agreement and to immediately report to the Lead Agency all accidents involving any participant. The total number of work experience positions filled during the course of this agreement will be dependent upon (1) the positions available at the worksite offering appropriate and desirable activities for the specific youth available for placement; and (2) the type of work experience that has been identified for the specific youth through their goal planning.