This form is specifically designed for concert organisers (including those managing festivals, clubs, venues, and concert series) and serves as a self-assessment tool focused on the key components of an environmentally sustainable music event. It is based on the EJN Green Rider, which consolidates years of tips and guidelines on green practices for music events. This tool is notΒ intended to provide precise measurements but rather offers a quick and straightforward way to identify areas where you are performing well and those that may need more attention.Β The tool has been developed by EJN with the expertiseΒ of Fondazione Ecosistemi.
The form is divided into 15 sections, each covering a distinct aspect of event sustainability. Within each section, you will find a series of Yes/No questions, and a score for the specific section. The total score of all sections is 1000. You can choose to complete all 15 sections for a comprehensive assessment or focus only onΒ the sections that are relevant to you. While the tool is developed in order to have a snapshot of your current situation, you can use it multiple times inserting data from previous years/edition of your festival, in order to do a self-comparision over time. You can navigate through the form using the βNextβ and βBackβ buttons and use the βSaveβ option to pause and continue at a later time.
The self-assessment form covers the following sections:
1) Event Production & Venue Management
2) Audience Mobility
3) Staff Mobility
4) Artist Mobility & Touring
5) Artist Accommodation
6) Catering & Restaurants for artists
7) Catering & Bars for the Public
8) Use of natural resources for printing, uniforms, fittings and gadgets in the organisation of the event
9) Waste Prevention & Sustainable Waste Management
10) Cleanliness and Sanitation
11) Choice of Location (for outdoor events)
12) Communication & Public Information
13) Calculating & Offsetting Greenhouse Gas Emissions
14) Green Office
15) Green Organisation
How scoring works
The questions and sections in this self-assessment tool have been weighted differently to reflect their impact on environmental sustainability. Some areas may contribute more significantly to your overall score due to their greater importance or potential environmental impact (e.g., audience mobility and waste management). The scoring aims to provide a balanced view of your efforts, highlighting both strengths and areas where improvements can be made. Please keep in mind that the score is intended as a general guide rather than an exact measurement.
What to expect when you complete the form
WhileΒ you complete the self-assessment, you willΒ see your scores for each section, with a summary of all your scores at the end. The tool will highlight areas where you are performing well and suggest which aspects may need more attention based on your responses. Although this tool does not provide specific recommendations, we encourage you to review the EJN Green RiderΒ for further guidance and tips on improving your practices in these areas.
Thank you for using our tool! We hope it helps you reflect on your practices and supports your journey towards more sustainable music events. You can now start by clicking "Next".