Elective Class Selections
Students will take 2 elective classes per semester. A semester is two quarters. There are four quarters (or two semesters) in a school year. This class registration is for 1st and 2nd semester class interest.
Final class schedules will be emailed out:
- For 1st semester classes: August 20
- For 2nd semester classes: January 5
Classes are not guaranteed, but we will try our best to put your child in the classes selected.
1.) In the first two blanks, after the class descriptions, please select the 2 classes they would like to take from the list given for each semester.
2.) In the second two blanks, please provide alternative class selections should your child not receive their first choice of elective class. If the same course is selected as the first choice, the class registration will be filled last. We need to receive first and second options from students.
High school students should not select elective classes they have taken in a past school year for an entire year, for credit, unless they are repeating a course for credit that was not previously earned.
Please make sure to read all class requirements before submitting a requested class for registration. Some classes require additional fees and supplies.
Course Minimum Elective Class Graduation Requirements for High School Students:
World Language-2 Credits
Arts-2 Credits
Health & Fitness-2 Credits
Career & Technical-1 Credit
Additional Electives-4 Credits
Art 101: Students will be learning about different artists through historical and visual study as well as practicing and participating in art through many drawing mediums (pastels, oil, charcoal, etc.). Art students will be required to work on a piece for an annual art show, during our Spring Dinner & Auction.
Art 201: Students will be learning about different artists through historical and visual study as well as practicing and participating in art through many mediums (wire, clay, wood, pastels, oil, acrylics, water color, fabric, etc.). Art students will be required to work on a piece for an annual art show, during our Spring Dinner & Auction.
Bake: Students will be introduced to baking and cake/cookie decorating.
Computer Animation & Photography with Digital Arts: During the first quarter, students will be learning basic computer animation; they will be drawing objects and animating them through various programs. Duirng the second quarter, students will expand into photograpy with digital arts. They will learn how to use a camera (f stop, aperture, etc.) as well as be working with different settings and backdrops and completing a photography project as well as completing the school yearbook. Students will need to bring their own camera to class or rent one for the class during the 4th quarter. **Can also fulfill the Career & Technical requirement**
Culinary Arts 1: Students will be learing to make food (main entrees, sides, appetizers, desserts, etc.) from scratch as well as learning kitchen vocabulary and food safety, taking and successfully passing the Washington State Food Handler's Permit. Students that take this class are required to participate in full for the FCS Dinner & Auction. It is a major project grade. Not participating in full in the FCS Dinner & Auction will result in a substantially lower grade (C). If a high school student has taken Culinary Arts 1, this class can not be repeated. The student should sign up for a different elective.
Chef/Culinary Arts 2: Students who have previously taken culinary arts may sign up for this class. If they have not yet learned kitchen basics and taken a culinary arts class, they can not sign up for this course. Students will be learing to make food (main entrees, sides, appetizers, desserts, etc.) from scratch as well as learning kitchen vocabulary and food safety, taking and successfully passing the Washington State Food Handler's Permit. Students that take this class are required to participate in full for the FCS Dinner & Auction. It is a major project grade. Not participating in full in the FCS Dinner & Auction will result in a substantially lower grade (C).
Drama/Theater & Film Production: Students will be participating in a semester end school production/play and/or leading a Walk Throuh Bethlehem. They will learn how to create props, will practice acting and stage production (including lighting, costume creation and design). Students are required to participate in the end of semester production and the Walk Through Bethlehem production if they take this class. If they can not participate in the productions they will receive a significantly lower grade in the class (C) and should not take the class.
Fashion Design: Students will be learning about the history of fashion design (Christian emphasis) and marketing. They will apply that learning to recreating some basic pieces as well as designing their own. Hand stitching and sewing machines will both be used. Past projects include beanies, pajama pants, purses/wallets, tshirts sewing, designing and more.
Graphic Design: Students will be learning to use and working with programs such as Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator.**Can also fulfill the Career & Technical requirement**
Music Production: Students will be working on writing/preparing their own music for production. They will be required to participate in the semester end program with their completed music project. This may include writing lyrics, choreography, etc. As with all courses at FCS, our goal is to have students use their gifts/talents to glorify Him. This will be central to what is produced in this class. If students register for this class, they will not be taught instrument instruction. They will need to be able to play any needed instrument on their own.
Theater w/Puppetry: Students will be participating in a semester end school production/play with puppets, putting on elementary puppet shows. They will learn how to create props, will practice acting and stage production (including lighting, costume creation and design). Students are required to participate in the end of semester production if they take this class. They will also be putting on a show in the community (possibly the library). If they can not participate in the productions they will receive a significantly lower grade in the class (C) and should not take the class.
Worship Band Ensemble: This class does not provide direct instrument instruction but teaches students how to work together as an ensemble as well as lead Worship. The group will be asked to participate in leading Worship at times as well as participating in our semester end Program. Studenst wanting to participate in this class have to bring their own instrument to class every class session.
**Physical Education**
Horticulture & Chicken Farming: Students will learn and participate in chicken keeping, coop basics & construction as well as learn how to take care and cultivate a garden. This will take new and beginner gardeners from lost in the weeds to reaping an abundant harvest. They'll also learn valuable information about optimal garden sites, permaculture principles, plant placement, nutrition, soil types (using compost, mulches and cover crops) and care and more. **This class can be counted as a PE or elective course.**
Outdoor Skills: Students participate in learning "survival" and outdoor skills such as starting a fire with flint, setting up emergency shelter, creating teepee smokers (and using them), learning map reading and compass use, archery, creating/findng emergency water sources and more.
P.E./Individual & Dual Sports: Students will receive a P.E. credit and participate in and learn how to play several individual and partner sports such as badmitton, tennis, ping pong, bowling, etc. Students will be tested on knowledge as well as class participation and wearing appropriate attire for P.E. Students are not allowed to opt out of class participation. Most classes will be held outdoors.
**Additional Electives**
Coding Basics & App Development: Students will learn work on basic programming as well as use only applications to develop, design and build their own app. Their goal will be to design an app that helps solve a problem and or construct a simple but popular game. **Can also fulfill the Career & Technical requirement**
Computers: Students will be learning basic keyboarding and computer skills, learning how to use Word, Excel, Powerpoint and other presentation software. **Can also fulfill the Career & Technical requirement**
Horticulture & Chicken Farming: Students will learn and participate in chicken keeping, coop basics & construction as well as learn how to take care and cultivate a garden. This will take new and beginner gardeners from lost in the weeds to reaping an abundant harvest. They'll also learn valuable information about optimal garden sites, permaculture principles, plant placement, nutrition, soil types (using compost, mulches and cover crops) and care and more. **This class can be counted as a PE or elective course.**
Law & Society and Mock Trial: Students will be learning about the U.S. justice system as well as participate in mock trial and critical thinking projects. Mock trials present a "hands-on" learning experience which that enhance classroom lessons. Research has shown that students who are involved in effective, law-related education programs show greater interest in their studies, more respect for their teachers, and have a better understanding of their rights and responsibilities. In addition, students will learn critical thinking and analysis, oral advocacy, planning and preparation, understanding of complex issues and ideas
If possible, students will attend a local court hearning. Students will be required to study for and be prepared to present on their team for the semester end mock trial/debate case. **Can also fulfill the Career & Technical requirement**
Life Skills & Home Economics: Students will participate in lessons and activities allowing them to gain financial, employment/career, basic automotive and life skills. This will also include learning to cook/prepare basic meals on the stove and in the oven, mend/stich small holes in fabric.
Robotics & Simple Machines: Students design, engineer and build many robot types, work on basic programming, game design and learn to soder while putting together/building small machines. Past projects included designing and building hover crafts, building and programming handheld gaming consoles, hydraulic & pneumatic robotic hands, small engine builds and more. **Can also fulfill the Career & Technical requirement**
Woodworking & Simple Machines (AKA Build Class): Students plan and build wood projects from scratch. They will learn to use basic saws and sanders, measuring tools, stain and other woodworking materials. Past projects included chess boards, boxes/containers, shelving, gumball machines, clocks, resin projects and more.
**World Language**
ASL (American Sign Language): Students will be learning american sign language basics, including the alphabet, common words and phrases.
Spanish 1: Students will be learning the Spanish language, learning to read, write and speak basic spanish as well as learing about the culture and use of Spanish all over the world.
Spanish 2: Students will continue their learning of the Spanish language, learning to read, write and speak basic spanish as well as learing about the culture and use of Spanish all over the world. Spanish 2 includes a lot of verb conjugation. Students will be required to pass the final, cumulative exam in order to receive credit for Spanish 2.
Prerequisite: Spanish 2 students have to have completed Spanish 1 in order to enroll in Spanish 2. They should know basic vocabulary and basic conversational language as well as know the Spanish alphabet.
Russian 1-4: Students will be learning the Russian language, learning to read, write and speak Russian as well as learing about the culture and use of Russian all over the world.
**Additional class descriptions can be found at this link.