There is no place for sexual assault or sexual harassment at Flinders University. You can make a confidential report about what has happened to you, what you have witnessed or have been told about. You can make a de-identified report.
If you would prefer to talk with someone or would like information/support before reporting the incident, contact Counselling Services on 08 8201 2118, (Monday - Friday, 8.45am to 5.00pm) for free and confidential support.
We encourage you to view the Safety and Respect at Flinders webpage for information on what happens to your report once you have submitted it.
Important: If the matter requires immediate attention, please contact Flinders Security on 8201 2880 or dial 000 in case of an emergency.
For Out of Hours Crisis Support Line 1300 512 409 or text 0488 884 103 after 5 p.m. weekdays and 24 hours on weekends and public holidays: for free and confidential support.
Flinders Staff can contact the Employee Assistance Program.
External support is also available:
Yarrow Place offers counselling, information and a forensic medical service. You can contact them 24/7 on 1800 817 421.
1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732) is a national 24/7 sexual assault, domestic and family violence counselling service. It is free and confidential.
Note: Any information shared with the University is kept confidential and only shared with those who need to know in order to respond to the incident. This may include investigating the incident or providing you with support. You can also view the Privacy Policy for more details.
However, there may be times when the University may need to make a further report such as:
A person aged under 18 is involved,
When we believe you or a member of the University community is in danger,
When state or federal law requires it.