2024 Training General Manager (TGM)
Bonus Program
In order to be a training location and Training General Manager you must be DQ benchmarked by your Regional Training Manager or District Training Manager.
To qualify for the Training General Manager Bonus you must meet the following requirements below:
· Complete Weekly Assessment of your trainee and send to your District Training Manager
· Complete PE Assessment of your trainee and send to your District Training Manager
· Complete SSL test for your trainee
· Complete MFB Assessment of your trainee and send to your District Training Manager.
Bonus’ that you will receive as a Training General Manager:
· $500.00 Discretionary Bonus for each Trainee that completes a 4 Week GM training program.
· $250.00 Discretionary Bonus for each Trainee that completes a 2 Week GM training program.
· 1 PTO day per quarter if you completed a four week training program within an quarter. Max is one PTO day per quarter.
Once a month bonus’ will be sent to payroll for payout. Your bonus will either be on your paycheck on the 15th of the month or on the last day of the month.
If you have any questions regarding your Training General Manager Bonus please reach out to your District Training Manager.
I hereby acknowledge that I was the TGM for the trainee listed below and the trainee is fully IDQ Certified and ready to manage their store.