CAT & KITTEN: Application to Adopt
Thank you for considering adopting a rescued cat or kitten. This application is intended to gather basic information about your household to match you with a pet that best fits you. This application does not guarantee adoption.
What cat(s) are you interested in?
Applicant Name:
Co-Applicant Name: (if applicable)
Age of applicant:
Age of co-applicant: (if applicable)
Do you live with your parents?
What is your address including street address, city state and zip code?
What is your phone number?
What is your email address?
Do you live in a: (please select one)
Mobile Home
Do you rent? If so, please provide landlord name and phone number:
How long have you lived at your present address?
0-1 year
2-5 years
5-10 years
10 years +
Are you adopting for (check all that apply)
Are you looking for... (choose one)
Indoor Cat
Indoor/Outdoor cat
Outdoor cat
Do you plan to declaw this cat/kitten?
How many adults reside in your home?
How many children and ages?
Are all members of the household in agreement with adopting this pet?
Do any members in the home suffer from animal related allergies?
Who will be responsible for caring for this pet?
What arrangements have you made to care for the pet should you no longer be able to?
How long will this pet be left alone during the day?
0-4 hours
4-8 hours
8+ hours
Please list current pets living in your home. Please list the pets name, breed and age. If no current pets, please answer "NA."
Please indicate if your current pets are spayed/neutered, up to date on vaccines, indoor/outdoor and on heart worm prevention. If no current pets, please answer "NA."
Please list other pets you have had in the last ten years. Please list the animals name, breed and age. If no previous pets, please answer "NA."
If you've had previous pets, please list how long you had the pet and why they are no longer with you. Please also indicate if they were spayed/neutered and up to date on vaccines. If no previous pets, please answer "NA."
Who is your current/previous veterinarian? (Please list name and phone number to clinic. If no vet, please list "NA.")
How much time do your current/previous pets spend outside?
How much time will your new pet spend outside?
Rescue animals require time to adjust to a new home. How much time are you willing to allow your new pet to adjust?
Less than a week
1-3 weeks
1-3 months
3 months or longer
The average cost of annual preventative veterinary care is between $100-200. Additionally, there are expenses for food, toys and general supplies along with emergency veterinary for illness/injury. Does your household budget allow you to comfortably cover these expenses?
What behaviors listed below would you be UNABLE to tolerate from an adopted cat? (check all that apply)
Scratching furniture
Jumping on the furniture
Playing in Early A.M. hours
Getting into trash/garbage cans
Getting on counter tops
Hiding from guests/Other family members
Shedding on furniture/Clothing
Climbing on curtains
Throwing up hairballs
Getting into cabinets/closets/cupboards
Inability to get along with other animals
Not quickly adjusting to other pets in the home
I can tolerate all items above from a new cat/kitten
Methods I plan to use to discourage un-wanted behaviors:
You understand that rescue pets may have unknown medical history/problems
You understand that rescue animals may have unknown behavior issues?
Additional info you would like to provide:
By typing your name below, you agree that the above information that you have provided is true and complete. You also agree to allow Friskie Felines to contact you vet/landlord for a reference if necessary.
Should be Empty: