Materials Hard + Soft Audience Favorite
Vote for your favorite piece from the pieces included in the exhibition. Only the pieces in the in-person exhibition are included in this form.
1. What piece did you like the most?
Bill Abendroth, Over the Moon
Christine Adame, Barbara Lou Martin, 1946
Grant Akiyama, Blue and Yellow Bowls
Brooke Armstrong, Wallow, Your Shoulders are Like Wings
Briana Babani, B-Side
Ghislaine Bazir, Alice et Anita 5
Hannah Bennett, Many Bridges
Hannah Bennett , Wrinkled Landscapes, Some Mended
Summer Benton, Boys At Night
Sally Brogden, No Title
Kathy Brown, Repatriation: For the Record, I Swallowed a Bird, 2022
Dakari Butler, Mini World II
Chanjuan Chen, United in Love
Chanjuan Chen, Embellished Modularity
Marcy Chevali, Untitled
Rosie Connelly, BREATH/LESS: May 2020
Rosie Connelly, Invasive/Native
Delaney Conner, Try Me
Kerstin Dale, Sapphire
Courtney DiMare, Ribbon Bodice
Jayne Gaskins, The Commuter
Ron Geibel, Semipublic
Jan Harrell, entropy/emerging teapot
Isys Hennigar, Things Alive and Swimming
Mindy Herrin-Lewis, Owl Basket
Webson Ji, Interpreter
Duwenavue Johnson, Abound
Felicia Jordan, Cerebral Play
Rachel Kalisky, Joyful Match
Silver Kim, Slip of thumb
Silver Kim, excessive packaging sandwich
Jeana Klein, Urn
Laura Konecne, Cloud Sack Necklace with Parasites
Pat Kroth, Warning Signs
Teresa Larrabee , Blue Blob Head
Zach Lihatsh, Bound Valley
Ana M. Lopez, Louver with Mask
Matthew Magruder, SHEL{L}TER
Tina Marais, Relics
Alexandra Mavrikis, Voids
Kern McDaniel, SNACKS
Jessica Mohl, Asclepias syriaca (a single flower)
Eileen Morley, Swatched ceramics
Kathleen Murphey, Our Broken System
Cher Musico, Kain Tayo/Let's Eat
Anela Oh, Transmutation I
Anela Oh, Inflorescence (for Granny Ken Ken)
April Ortiz, Kelsey
Anthony Pabillano, Concurrence
Alison Pack Bova, Heartfelt
Naomi Peterson, Flower Pot
Hannah Pierce, Juice
Kerianne Quick, This, and $500 in a coffee can (Or the Passenger)
Alicia Quijano, Where Does it End?
Nash Quinn, Twist-Top Box
Max Raign, We Still Have All Our Teeth
Chris Ramsay, Monarch Reliquary Series: Migration
Lynne Rigby, January 2021
Jeff Robinson, Sculpture XI
Phil Samson, Fig no. 9
Jude Schlotzhauer, SKULL TREE/ JADE GARDEN
Jude Schlotzhauer, GROWING PAINS
Emma Senft, Peel
Jessica Smith, Hamper
Lori Solley, you should smile more (Carol)
Thomas Stollar, Okay, Okay, Everything is Fine
Kenneth Gaik Siew Tan, Peranakan (Book Art)
Elise Techentine, Defying Gravity
James Thurman, Creativity Bridge
Bruce Trojan, All Ears
Bruce Trojan, Still Life: The Old Barn Window
Paul van den Bijgaart, Chaotic Balance
Paul van den Bijgaart, Galactic Uprising
Kelly Waller, Untitled
Daiwen Wang, Grow in here
Stina (Siqiong) Wen, Serendipity V
Dongyi Wu, Passerby 5 No.8
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